Keep On Running

The Bible has a lot to say about sexual sin. We know we are to flee from temptation and have nothing to do with sexual immorality, but what does the Bible have to say about facing the pressure of sexual temptation day after day?

Beneath Me

We all have something in our lives we consider to be beneath us, but when we look at the Scriptures we don’t see that from Jesus at all.

Learning to Ride (Again)

Our Christian walk can be like riding a bike. We need training wheels at first, but the more we learn, the more confident we become, and eventually, the training wheels have to come off.

If You Say So

Perhaps Jesus has a blessing for you that is more than your boat can hold, you just need to trust him and take him at His word. You may think you know better, but trust what Jesus says anyway.

Storms Likely

It may feel like Jesus is sleeping through your storm or He may feel far away on the shore, but He will walk on top of the waves to you and rebuke the winds. With one word He can bring peace.

Jesus, Amazed

Twice in Scripture, Jesus is described as being amazed, and He is amazed at opposite displays of faith. How will you amaze Jesus?

Time Travelers

How much time do you spend dwelling on the past or worrying about the future? We are time travelers, but we shouldn’t be.